The Achievement Center at Raritan Valley Community College is a certificate-based, post-secondary program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities interested in developing their education for continue to gain skills to enter the workforce.
The Achievement Center recognizes that every student learns and processes information differently. Through the use of student-centered curriculum and individualized strategies, the Achievement Center provides a bridge and support to help students achieve their individualized goals.
Our college-level classes and student-centered approach empowers our students to find the right learning tools for them. To meet their goals, the Achievement Center has created academically inclusive and specialized classes include instruction in:
• Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking
• Writing and Research
• Public Speaking and College Presentations
• Employment and Career strategies
• Interpersonal Communication
• Social Skills Training
• Functional Mathematics
• College Planning and StrategiesThrough these series of classes it offers our students an opportunity to “learn their voice” and acclimate themselves to the classroom and college experience. Each student learns differently and demonstrates their knowledge of class material in various ways. The Achievement Center helps students identify their study habits; note-taking skills; self advocacy in the classroom and on campus; and learn advantages to student planning and time management.
Each Achievement Center Student engages in both classroom and practical experiences toward developing their employment goals, objectives, preferences and skills. Career development classes in the first year of attendance expose the student to planning skills and a variety of potential career choices through interaction with materials and individuals currently working in various fields. Student Centered Plans are then developed as a guide for future experiences.
Achievement Center students are able to avail themselves of all the Service Learning opportunities coordinated by Raritan Valley Community College to sample work and various vocational environments. Job acquisition skills such as resume development, interview practice and trial versions of current state assessments support the tools utilized in inclusive class settings.Our program will work with in-house or third party Supported Employment Programs to develop further practical experience toward employment after completion of the program or concurrently as the goals and needs of the individual student dictate. The goal is to provide each student with the time and attention to aspire to a vocation, access the entry skills, and plan their approach toward a career.
Admissions & Peer Mentoring
Peer Mentoring
Peer Mentoring at The Achievement Center is designed to provide our college students a “supporting tool” that provides them with learning skills; self advocacy techniques; assistance in navigating the college campus; reinforcement study habits/time management of their course work.
Peer Mentors put an emphasis on person-centered planning and learning for their students. Peer Mentors will meet with their assigned students on a weekly or bi-weekly basis during the semester to help their students on self-determination, advocacy mechanisms, and promote individual learning.
Our Peer Mentors are aware of the many challenges our students may face both academically (class material/deadlines), and socially (inclusion, confidence-building). In unison with the students, Peer Mentors help identify and develop key skills (Active Listening, Empowerment, Study Habits) for each student.
Want to be a Peer Mentor?
Please contact Bob Hulit, Director of Post Secondary Programming at The Achievement Center at RVCC at BobH@thearcofsomerset.org.
You can also reach us at 732-666-4781 and at our fax number at 908-704-0850.