The Arc of Somerset County's Family Support Program assists individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families in their efforts to remain together in their homes and communities. Family Support staff works with the family to determine needs and assist with obtaining quality supports necessary to enhance the quality of life for the families and the individual with a disability.
The following services are currently offered by the Family Support Department:
Information and Referral ServicesThe Family Support Department addresses all incoming questions regarding links to agency and other statewide services. Assistance with applications for state services (DCF, PerformCare, DDD) is provided as is information on transition, housing, support groups, special events and more.
Please contact Mary Atchy at Marya@thearcofsomerset.org or call 908-725-8544 Ext 624
To qualify for the services detailed below, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities must be found eligible by the New Jersey Division of Children and Families (DCF). To apply for eligibility with DCF go to: https://www.performcarenj.org/families/disability/determination-eligibility.aspx
For more information regarding any of our programs detailed below, please contact our Family Support Department at 908-725-8544, ext. 132 or laurenc@thearcofsomerset.org.
The Arc of Somerset County Thanks Our Partnerships in the Somerset County Community:
RWJ University Hospital Far Hills Race Meeting