The Arc of Somerset County welcomes gifts in-kind. In-kind gifts are elgible for tax deductions under charitable giving as defined by the IRS. We ask that in-kind donations be new and not used. If you would like to make a donation please contact Lisa Marie Arieno at lisamariea@thearcofsomerset.org or at 908-658-3805.
Below is a wish list of the items from the programs at The Arc of Somerset County
Gift Certificates/Gift Cards
Shop Rite
Stop and Shop
Home Depot
Group Home Needs: (only new items, not used)
- Air Fyer
- Measuring Cups
- Dividing Plates
- Spatulas
- Hand mixer
- Mixing bowls
- Toaster oven
- Cutting board
- Knives
- Pot holders
- Pot and pans
- Kitchen utensils
- Food Processor
Employment Training Materials
(These items will be used by the individuals in our Adult Training Centers to learn work skills needed to obtain jobs in the community)
- Cash register
- Price checker
- A large portable screen for showing movies
- DVD's about countries around the world
- Musical Instuments (hand bells, cymbals, maracas, drums etc.)
- Portable Microphone
- Stationary Bike
- Speakers
- Tickets to sporting events (Somerset Patriots, Yankees, Mets, Devils, Rangers, Nets, etc.)
- Tickets to local attractions (museums, Grounds for Sculpture, zoos, botanical gardens, etc.)
Celebration Supplies
Our residential and employment service programs hold holiday (Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, etc.) and birthday celebrations throughout the year. Themed supplies are always needed for these events:
- Plates
- Napkins
- Decorations
- Plastic Ware
- Music
- Craft kits
Art Supplies
- Adult Coloring Books
- Colored pencils
- Crayons
- Painting cups
- Paint Brushes
- Easy craft kits
- Glue sticks
- Glue gun and glue sticks
- Rolls of art paper
- Construction paper
Household Products
- Laundry and dish soap
- Fabric softener
- Trash bags
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Tissues
- Clorox wipes
Personal Products
- Baby wipes
- Diapers (various sizes)
Outdoor games (lawn bowling, plastic coverede horseshoes, croquet, etc.)
Small hand-held weights
Exercise balls-all sizes
Parachutes with handles
Exercise DVD's (simple)
Exercise bike
Magazines Subscriptions (People, Us, National Geographic)
Leap Frog Computer
Items we CANNOT accept (used)
- Cloth furniture (couches, chairs, etc.)
- Stuffed animals
- Mattresses
- Used Clothing
- Medical Equipment
The Arc of Somerset County Thanks Our Partnerships in the Somerset County Community:
RWJ University Hospital Far Hills Race Meeting